Frida Kahlo painting breaks record at Sotheby auction and shines light on women artists
A self-portrait by artist Frida Kahlo sold for just under $35 million this week at Sotheby's in New York. The sale highlighted how the works of women artists can command incredible sums on the world market. But that hardly tells the whole story. Anthony Mason has more.

Case Study: Running a Famous Artist’s Estate Is a Maze of Infighting and Deal-Making. Here’s How the Rothkos and Other Families Did it
Children weigh in on dealing with their famous parents’ cultural heritage.

Case Study: An Indonesian Theme Park Must Destroy Its Knockoff of Chris Burden’s ‘Urban Light’ After Losing a Suit Brought by the Artist’s Estate
Rabbit Town has 30 days to remove the infringing installation and apologize to the Burden estate.

Avedon, Unsigned
Ruedi Hofmann, master printer for the photographer’s magnum opus, “In the American West,” understood that his payment would be a set of signed prints. He has the prints, but they were never signed. Whose prints are they, anyway?